Jiejun Wu

BA: Double Major in English Literature and Creative Writing
Where did Jiejun work?
Work Term 1: Production Assistant, Arts Umbrella
Work Term 2: Associate Producer, Theatre Replacement
What did Jiejun accomplish?
Arts Umbrella
Main Tasks
In her role as a Production Assistant with Arts Umbrella, Jiejun worked backstage as a stagehand, assisting with set moves, and costume changes. She also worked as a producer on the Summerstage show, Godspell, by assisting with sourcing props and costumes, liaising with the creative team to ensure timely delivery of all props and costumes, and managing the box office and concession stand.
Major accomplishments
At the beginning of her role, Jiejun was new to theatre production. Through engaging with technicians, designers, and other team members in production meetings, she began to gain confidence and take an active role in bringing the stage to life. On her last day of work, through proactive research and with help from her supervisor, Jiejun successfully hung and programmed a simple lighting system for a space being used by the Vancouver Fringe Festival. In addition, Jiejun organized and digitized the entirety of Arts Umbrella’s script library. Reflecting on this task, Jiejun stated that she learned “the value of breaking down an overwhelming task into more manageable components.”
Theatre Replacement
Main Tasks
Jiejun assisted with the production of Theatre Replacement’s East Van Panto by running a social media engagement campaign, taking minutes during production meetings, and managing communications with parents. She also supported the production of the Me Love BINGO! fundraiser by reaching out to potential sponsors and assisting with hospitality on the event day.
Major accomplishments
Jiejun took over merchandising for East Van Panto, a task that required analyzing past sales and trends, brainstorming new merchandise, and reaching out to suppliers to request quotes. Once the show opened, Jiejun was responsible for lobby activation and reconciliation of weekly sales. Her three newly-introduced items were extremely popular among patrons. Beyond her usual job duties, Jiejun was given additional design-related tasks – she created event programs, silent auction lot cards, and other graphics. “The entire team at Theatre Replacement was incredibly supportive and noticed that I was really keen on design, so they gave me a lot of opportunities to explore this further,” she recounts.
How did Arts Co-op benefit Jiejun?
Link between Academics and Work
As a double major in English Literature and Creative Writing, Jiejun felt unsure about how to reconcile her studies with her passion for theatre. “I told myself that I wouldn’t be able to work in theatre because I hadn’t gone to a traditional theatre school or conservatory,” she recalls. “But having met so many wonderful theatre artists…I know now that this isn’t true.” Through her co-op terms, Jiejun solidified her passion for the theatre industry and gained the confidence needed to pursue this path as a career.
Preparation for post-graduation
When she was accepted into the Arts Co-op Program, Jiejun’s prior experience consisted of customer service. She was unsure if she would qualify for the jobs that she would be applying to. “Co-op helped me realize that my studies have actually taught me a number of transferable skills that are highly desirable in the workforce,” she states. Through working with industry professionals, Jiejun formed many meaningful connections and strengthened her network. Co-op has not only given her the confidence in her abilities, but reassured her of her place in the theatre world.
Jiejun Wu

BA: Double Major in English Literature and Creative Writing
Where did Jiejun work?
Work Term 1: Production Assistant, Arts Umbrella
Work Term 2: Associate Producer, Theatre Replacement
What did Jiejun accomplish?
Arts Umbrella
Main Tasks
In her role as a Production Assistant with Arts Umbrella, Jiejun worked backstage as a stagehand, assisting with set moves, and costume changes. She also worked as a producer on the Summerstage show, Godspell, by assisting with sourcing props and costumes, liaising with the creative team to ensure timely delivery of all props and costumes, and managing the box office and concession stand.
Major accomplishments
At the beginning of her role, Jiejun was new to theatre production. Through engaging with technicians, designers, and other team members in production meetings, she began to gain confidence and take an active role in bringing the stage to life. On her last day of work, through proactive research and with help from her supervisor, Jiejun successfully hung and programmed a simple lighting system for a space being used by the Vancouver Fringe Festival. In addition, Jiejun organized and digitized the entirety of Arts Umbrella’s script library. Reflecting on this task, Jiejun stated that she learned “the value of breaking down an overwhelming task into more manageable components.”
Theatre Replacement
Main Tasks
Jiejun assisted with the production of Theatre Replacement’s East Van Panto by running a social media engagement campaign, taking minutes during production meetings, and managing communications with parents. She also supported the production of the Me Love BINGO! fundraiser by reaching out to potential sponsors and assisting with hospitality on the event day.
Major accomplishments
Jiejun took over merchandising for East Van Panto, a task that required analyzing past sales and trends, brainstorming new merchandise, and reaching out to suppliers to request quotes. Once the show opened, Jiejun was responsible for lobby activation and reconciliation of weekly sales. Her three newly-introduced items were extremely popular among patrons. Beyond her usual job duties, Jiejun was given additional design-related tasks – she created event programs, silent auction lot cards, and other graphics. “The entire team at Theatre Replacement was incredibly supportive and noticed that I was really keen on design, so they gave me a lot of opportunities to explore this further,” she recounts.
How did Arts Co-op benefit Jiejun?
Link between Academics and Work
As a double major in English Literature and Creative Writing, Jiejun felt unsure about how to reconcile her studies with her passion for theatre. “I told myself that I wouldn’t be able to work in theatre because I hadn’t gone to a traditional theatre school or conservatory,” she recalls. “But having met so many wonderful theatre artists…I know now that this isn’t true.” Through her co-op terms, Jiejun solidified her passion for the theatre industry and gained the confidence needed to pursue this path as a career.
Preparation for post-graduation
When she was accepted into the Arts Co-op Program, Jiejun’s prior experience consisted of customer service. She was unsure if she would qualify for the jobs that she would be applying to. “Co-op helped me realize that my studies have actually taught me a number of transferable skills that are highly desirable in the workforce,” she states. Through working with industry professionals, Jiejun formed many meaningful connections and strengthened her network. Co-op has not only given her the confidence in her abilities, but reassured her of her place in the theatre world.