Fall 2021 Photo Contest

We want to hear about firsthand experiences from current co-op students! Do you have a great photo of yourself that represents your current work position or your favourite way to recharge? We want to see you in your element!

From now until November 16, all students in the Arts Co-op Program can enter our photo contest for a chance to win $50 gift cards!

Photo Contest Details

1. Take a photo of yourself that falls into the following categories:

  • Working hard on your co-op term
  • Favourite way to recharge

*You must be in the photos that you submit

2. Create a relevant caption

  • Working hard: Explain why you like your chosen photo, as well as how it represents your co-op journey.
  • Favourite way to recharge: Explain why you like your chosen photo, and how it represents keeping well during a work or study term.

3. Submit your photo entry below by November 16, 2021. You can submit up to 3 entries for each category.

  • Submitted photos must have been taken in 2021.
  • Please note that all photos entered may be used for marketing purposes, including being posted on our website and social channels.

In order to enter the contest, you must:

  • Be a current student in the Arts Co-op Program
  • Appear in the photo you submit
  • Submit a caption with each photo (100 word max)

Winners will be selected for submitting an entry that is:

  • Visually engaging
  • Thoughtful, compelling and creative

*We may make minor edits to the winning entries for grammar, spelling and clarity.

For each of the 2 categories, a winner will be selected to receive a $50 gift card to a Canadian retailer of their choice.

The top 2 photos will also be given distinguished recognition on all UBC Arts Co-op social media channels.

Deadline: November 16, 2021

Follow us on our social media channels to view winning entries.

Instagram: @ubcartscoop
Twitter: @ubcartscoop
Facebook: @ubcartscoop
LinkedIn: UBC Arts Co-op

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