Health and Society

Allison Choo

Allison Choo

Major in Psychology, Minor in Health & Society, Master of Management  2023 Undergraduate Arts Co-op Student of the Year, Honourable Mention Allison joined the Community Giving & Engagement (CG&E) team at VGH & UBC Hospital Foundation as an Administrative Assistant for her first co-op term. She quickly proved herself to be a keen learner, allowing […]

Ryley Humphry

Ryley Humphry

BA 2014: Major Sociology, Minor Health and Society Where did Ryley work? Work Term 1 (8 months): Special and Annual Giving Assistant, Union Gospel Mission (UGM) Work Term 2 (4 months): Community & Special Events Assistant, BC Women’s Hospital & Health Centre What did Ryley accomplish? Union Gospel Mission Ryley works in a department responsible […]