Camille Wong

BA 2013: Major Political Science and Minor International Relations
Where did Camille work?
Work Term 1 (4 months)
Special Events Coordinator, Delta Hospital Foundation
What did Camille accomplish?
As a Special Events Coordinator at the Delta Hospital Foundation, Camille worked alongside the Foundation’s Events Coordinator in the preparation and planning of the 12th Annual Delta Health Golf Classic and the signature 13th Annual Moonlight Gala. She played an essential role in the creation and execution of these events and helped to raise over $140,000 for the Delta Hospital’s Cancer Care Fund. Camille was responsible for contacting sponsors and sending out thank-you letters to over 200 attendees, volunteers and committee members.
What would Camille tell others about Arts Co-op?
Camille believes that Arts Co-op allows students to gain work experience related to their programs of study, but stresses that any work experience is valuable experience. Although she does not draw a direct line between her Political Science major and her work term at the Foundation, she found her experience “extremely rewarding” for the experience and connections she gained, and now sees her post-graduate future in a “totally different light.”
How did Arts Co-op benefit Camille?
Built Transferable Skills
Camille’s work term allowed her to develop skill sets that are foundational for her future career. Through composing emails and letters to potential sponsors, she enhanced her professional writing skills; working on a number of different tasks in a busy office atmosphere also improved her organization and time management skills.
Defined Her Career Path
Through her term with the Foundation, Camille solidified her passion and interest in event planning and hospital fundraising. Because her responsibilities were essential to the Foundation’s overall success, she developed a stronger sense of purpose and motivation. She also gained a better awareness of important skills to have for this profession, and plans to further her education and experience in marketing, communications and graphic design.
Camille Wong

BA 2013: Major Political Science and Minor International Relations
Where did Camille work?
Work Term 1 (4 months)
Special Events Coordinator, Delta Hospital Foundation
What did Camille accomplish?
As a Special Events Coordinator at the Delta Hospital Foundation, Camille worked alongside the Foundation’s Events Coordinator in the preparation and planning of the 12th Annual Delta Health Golf Classic and the signature 13th Annual Moonlight Gala. She played an essential role in the creation and execution of these events and helped to raise over $140,000 for the Delta Hospital’s Cancer Care Fund. Camille was responsible for contacting sponsors and sending out thank-you letters to over 200 attendees, volunteers and committee members.
What would Camille tell others about Arts Co-op?
Camille believes that Arts Co-op allows students to gain work experience related to their programs of study, but stresses that any work experience is valuable experience. Although she does not draw a direct line between her Political Science major and her work term at the Foundation, she found her experience “extremely rewarding” for the experience and connections she gained, and now sees her post-graduate future in a “totally different light.”
How did Arts Co-op benefit Camille?
Built Transferable Skills
Camille’s work term allowed her to develop skill sets that are foundational for her future career. Through composing emails and letters to potential sponsors, she enhanced her professional writing skills; working on a number of different tasks in a busy office atmosphere also improved her organization and time management skills.
Defined Her Career Path
Through her term with the Foundation, Camille solidified her passion and interest in event planning and hospital fundraising. Because her responsibilities were essential to the Foundation’s overall success, she developed a stronger sense of purpose and motivation. She also gained a better awareness of important skills to have for this profession, and plans to further her education and experience in marketing, communications and graphic design.