Christine Gergich

Masters of Archival Studies 2007
“My studies at SLAIS provided me with a solid grounding in archival theory, my co-op terms exposed me to the realities of my chosen profession, and in my career I am continuously learning.”
This is Christine Gergich’s reflection on the path that has brought her to her current position as Records Analyst at the Law Society of BC. As a SLAIS Co-op Alumni who thoroughly enjoyed the program, she says, “Both of my work terms allowed me to gain invaluable practical experience in the records and information management field. I developed an awareness and expertise in the field, which was an important marketing tool for me in job interviews and one of the reasons I was hired at the Law Society.”
For her first work term, Christine was employed as a Records Analyst with the City of Vancouver. She considers being able to work with an incredibly supportive crew of staff, archivists, and students one of her most memorable experiences. The valuable technical skills she gained from working with the City’s collections database and being able to develop a communications plan for her retention and disposition project are also experiences she had the chance to enjoy.
Christine decided to do a second work term because of the opportunity to work as an Assistant at the Resource Centre for the Vancouver Organizing Committee for the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games (VANOC). This position provided opportunities to work with trained project planners and a chance to work with a custom Electronic Document Management System (EDMS). She was also able to lead training sessions on computer security and VANOC’s EDMS.
While employed with VANOC, Christine also continued working towards achieving her degree by taking ARST 575D: Issues in the Management of Current Records. This course was one example of how she was able to find further connections between her studies, her co-op terms, and her current career:
Our assignment for the class was developing an annotated bibliography on a specific area in the records management field. My area to research was Leadership of Records Management Programs, specifically the role of Chief Information Officers (CIO) and Board of Directors in these programs. This gave me the opportunity to interview the CIO at VANOC. This interview and my research gave me a glimpse into what you can achieve in a records and information management career. All of these connections gave me the occasion to have a better understanding of the role our CIO plays at the Law Society and other organizations.
The advice Christine provides to current SLAIS Co-op students is, “Be aware and take opportunities presented to you, have initiative, always be professional, and keep up to date on developments in your field.”
Christine Gergich

Masters of Archival Studies 2007
“My studies at SLAIS provided me with a solid grounding in archival theory, my co-op terms exposed me to the realities of my chosen profession, and in my career I am continuously learning.”
This is Christine Gergich’s reflection on the path that has brought her to her current position as Records Analyst at the Law Society of BC. As a SLAIS Co-op Alumni who thoroughly enjoyed the program, she says, “Both of my work terms allowed me to gain invaluable practical experience in the records and information management field. I developed an awareness and expertise in the field, which was an important marketing tool for me in job interviews and one of the reasons I was hired at the Law Society.”
For her first work term, Christine was employed as a Records Analyst with the City of Vancouver. She considers being able to work with an incredibly supportive crew of staff, archivists, and students one of her most memorable experiences. The valuable technical skills she gained from working with the City’s collections database and being able to develop a communications plan for her retention and disposition project are also experiences she had the chance to enjoy.
Christine decided to do a second work term because of the opportunity to work as an Assistant at the Resource Centre for the Vancouver Organizing Committee for the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games (VANOC). This position provided opportunities to work with trained project planners and a chance to work with a custom Electronic Document Management System (EDMS). She was also able to lead training sessions on computer security and VANOC’s EDMS.
While employed with VANOC, Christine also continued working towards achieving her degree by taking ARST 575D: Issues in the Management of Current Records. This course was one example of how she was able to find further connections between her studies, her co-op terms, and her current career:
Our assignment for the class was developing an annotated bibliography on a specific area in the records management field. My area to research was Leadership of Records Management Programs, specifically the role of Chief Information Officers (CIO) and Board of Directors in these programs. This gave me the opportunity to interview the CIO at VANOC. This interview and my research gave me a glimpse into what you can achieve in a records and information management career. All of these connections gave me the occasion to have a better understanding of the role our CIO plays at the Law Society and other organizations.
The advice Christine provides to current SLAIS Co-op students is, “Be aware and take opportunities presented to you, have initiative, always be professional, and keep up to date on developments in your field.”