Katie Stannard

International Relations & Environment and Society
Arts Co-op has provided Katie Stannard with opportunities for personal development beyond her wildest expectations, leading her to identify new aspirations for her education and career. As the Communications Assistant at the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies, Katie was responsible for writing monthly news articles, managing social media, and creating graphics for marketing campaigns. In this position, she was able to engage with a diverse range of researchers and activists, including Vancouver’s own David Suzuki and Andrew Feinstein, a leader in the global fight against corruption. Katie had so many opportunities to improve and practice her writing in her four months with the Institute that she was able to gain the skills she was hoping to develop through a minor in Creative Writing. Working with various Institute scholars contributed to her passion for Environment and Society, which she has now decided to focus on for her minor. Katie’s work term both extended her classroom learning and shaped her future studies. Through co-op, students like Katie develop experiences and passions that define their academic and professional journey.
Katie Stannard

International Relations & Environment and Society
Arts Co-op has provided Katie Stannard with opportunities for personal development beyond her wildest expectations, leading her to identify new aspirations for her education and career. As the Communications Assistant at the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies, Katie was responsible for writing monthly news articles, managing social media, and creating graphics for marketing campaigns. In this position, she was able to engage with a diverse range of researchers and activists, including Vancouver’s own David Suzuki and Andrew Feinstein, a leader in the global fight against corruption. Katie had so many opportunities to improve and practice her writing in her four months with the Institute that she was able to gain the skills she was hoping to develop through a minor in Creative Writing. Working with various Institute scholars contributed to her passion for Environment and Society, which she has now decided to focus on for her minor. Katie’s work term both extended her classroom learning and shaped her future studies. Through co-op, students like Katie develop experiences and passions that define their academic and professional journey.