Maria Yang

According to Maria, her work term at the library of Angiotech Pharmaceuticals Inc. “[made her] more confident when pursuing a career as an information professional in the near future as a new grad.”
”I am getting more confident when using those databases to provide information service.”
As a current SLAIS Co-op student, Maria Yang believes her Co-op experiences thus far have given her “plenty of real life opportunities [in] practicing and applying the knowledge and skills [she] has learned from [the] MLIS program, such as website design and maintenance, database creation, cataloguing and information service, and management.”
In her last work term in the summer of 2008, Yang worked at the library of Angiotech Pharmaceuticals Inc. as an Information Associate. Her daily job duties included managing the physical book, journal and newspaper collection, managing interlibrary loans, responding to document requests and updating the electronic table of contents. Moreover, Yang catalogued new books, market reports, and news items and published weekly updates on the library website, with different cataloguing systems, such as the DB/TextWork database.
For Yang, “this work term [made her] more confident when pursuing a career as an information professional in the near future as a new grad.”
In addition to her regular duties, Yang provided information service, including interlibrary loan and document delivery, searched related databases and found and located full text articles requested by staff. Furthermore, Yang worked on improving the library database management system and setting up a LinkOut with PubMed, which links users immediately to full text articles.
“Before this co-op term, I had neither worked nor thought of working in a special library. This term gave me a chance to take a close look at special libraries. I like the diversity of work tasks in special libraries and enjoy working in special libraries. If I have a chance to work in a special library in the future, I will be glad and confident to take it,” says Yang.
To prospective and current SLAIS students, Yang says “No matter what kinds of co-op opportunities come up, do not hesitate to take it. Any of them will give you a great chance to practice your skills and knowledge and explore this profession.”
For Yang, her first work term only gave her a taste of what it was like working as an information professional. “I not only practice[ed] and appl[ied] the skills I have learned from MLIS program, but also got… a sense of what kinds of knowledge and skills are important in this profession. It is very helpful to the rest of my study,” says Yang
Maria Yang knows she will continue to grow and learn in the MLIS program and in the SLAIS Co-op Program.
Maria Yang

According to Maria, her work term at the library of Angiotech Pharmaceuticals Inc. “[made her] more confident when pursuing a career as an information professional in the near future as a new grad.”
”I am getting more confident when using those databases to provide information service.”
As a current SLAIS Co-op student, Maria Yang believes her Co-op experiences thus far have given her “plenty of real life opportunities [in] practicing and applying the knowledge and skills [she] has learned from [the] MLIS program, such as website design and maintenance, database creation, cataloguing and information service, and management.”
In her last work term in the summer of 2008, Yang worked at the library of Angiotech Pharmaceuticals Inc. as an Information Associate. Her daily job duties included managing the physical book, journal and newspaper collection, managing interlibrary loans, responding to document requests and updating the electronic table of contents. Moreover, Yang catalogued new books, market reports, and news items and published weekly updates on the library website, with different cataloguing systems, such as the DB/TextWork database.
For Yang, “this work term [made her] more confident when pursuing a career as an information professional in the near future as a new grad.”
In addition to her regular duties, Yang provided information service, including interlibrary loan and document delivery, searched related databases and found and located full text articles requested by staff. Furthermore, Yang worked on improving the library database management system and setting up a LinkOut with PubMed, which links users immediately to full text articles.
“Before this co-op term, I had neither worked nor thought of working in a special library. This term gave me a chance to take a close look at special libraries. I like the diversity of work tasks in special libraries and enjoy working in special libraries. If I have a chance to work in a special library in the future, I will be glad and confident to take it,” says Yang.
To prospective and current SLAIS students, Yang says “No matter what kinds of co-op opportunities come up, do not hesitate to take it. Any of them will give you a great chance to practice your skills and knowledge and explore this profession.”
For Yang, her first work term only gave her a taste of what it was like working as an information professional. “I not only practice[ed] and appl[ied] the skills I have learned from MLIS program, but also got… a sense of what kinds of knowledge and skills are important in this profession. It is very helpful to the rest of my study,” says Yang
Maria Yang knows she will continue to grow and learn in the MLIS program and in the SLAIS Co-op Program.