Nicole Chacon

Major in Psychology, Minor in Adult Education
Where did Nicole work?
Work Term 1:
Educational Instructor, PASS Adult Services Society
What did Nicole Accomplish?
At PASS, Nicole worked with young adults on the autism spectrum to complete daily activities on topics that include vocational and social skills. She contributed to the success of each member’s personal behavior and social goals by observing behavior, recording data, and communicating with the Behaviour Consultant to suggest changes in the individual members’ behavior plans.
Connections Between Work and Studies
Nicole states that she is really glad to have found this job, because she was able to bring her interests, knowledge and prior experience with her and use it in this position. As a Psychology and Education student, Nicole has previous experiences in tutoring and as a behavior interventionist, and she was able to channel the skills and resources she gained in these positions to excel in her role at PASS. She feels that she has learned many new skills during her co-op experience and is able to keep expanding her professional experiences with Arts Co-op.
Benefits After Graduation
When she first started looking for jobs through Arts Co-op, Nicole was not really sure about what she wanted her career to look like after graduation. Through co-op, she was able to experience different jobs and meet new people who she feels have taught her a lot about working in a full-time job setting. Through her co-op experience, she has been able to learn more about her own personal interests as well as the possible career choices that are available to her in the future. Nicole now feels more prepared to find jobs after graduation and use the resources from her co-op experience in future job opportunities.
Nicole Chacon

Major in Psychology, Minor in Adult Education
Where did Nicole work?
Work Term 1:
Educational Instructor, PASS Adult Services Society
What did Nicole Accomplish?
At PASS, Nicole worked with young adults on the autism spectrum to complete daily activities on topics that include vocational and social skills. She contributed to the success of each member’s personal behavior and social goals by observing behavior, recording data, and communicating with the Behaviour Consultant to suggest changes in the individual members’ behavior plans.
Connections Between Work and Studies
Nicole states that she is really glad to have found this job, because she was able to bring her interests, knowledge and prior experience with her and use it in this position. As a Psychology and Education student, Nicole has previous experiences in tutoring and as a behavior interventionist, and she was able to channel the skills and resources she gained in these positions to excel in her role at PASS. She feels that she has learned many new skills during her co-op experience and is able to keep expanding her professional experiences with Arts Co-op.
Benefits After Graduation
When she first started looking for jobs through Arts Co-op, Nicole was not really sure about what she wanted her career to look like after graduation. Through co-op, she was able to experience different jobs and meet new people who she feels have taught her a lot about working in a full-time job setting. Through her co-op experience, she has been able to learn more about her own personal interests as well as the possible career choices that are available to her in the future. Nicole now feels more prepared to find jobs after graduation and use the resources from her co-op experience in future job opportunities.