Viet Vu

BA: Major in Economics (Honours), 2016
Where did Viet work?
Work Term 1:
Research Assistant, Vancouver School of Economics
Work Term 2 and 3 (8 Months):
Strategy Analyst, UBC IT
What were Viet’s responsibilities?
Vancouver School of Economics
To assist in a microeconomics research project, Viet developed an online auction simulation that simulated the behaviours of thousands of buyers and sellers. To complement this work, Viet also wrote a working paper detailing the methods and results.
Viet collaborated directly with the Deputy Chief Information Officer to propose a new set of revenue models for services provided by UBC IT. To achieve this, Viet worked with technology owners and IT clients to understand their preferences and needs, and then used that information to identify gaps and how to bridge them through a new approach. Ultimately, this greater understanding supported decision making around where and how a revamp of revenue models made sense.
What was Viet’s most memorable accomplishment?
Viet reviewed all of UBC IT’s service offerings and formed a set of recommendations that had the potential to transform how the department operates and charges for its services, allowing Viet to make what he believed could be “long standing impact in the organization.”
Where is Viet now and how did Arts Co-op help him get there?
Viet is currently an Economist for the Brookfield Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, where he researches topics that relate to labor economics, technological change, and the innovation economy. The academic research Viet conducted during his first co-op work term directly benefits what he is currently working on. Learning how to navigate complex systems at UBC as a student and employee helped prepare him to work with all levels of government, from local to provincial and federal.
Viet Vu

BA: Major in Economics (Honours), 2016
Where did Viet work?
Work Term 1:
Research Assistant, Vancouver School of Economics
Work Term 2 and 3 (8 Months):
Strategy Analyst, UBC IT
What were Viet’s responsibilities?
Vancouver School of Economics
To assist in a microeconomics research project, Viet developed an online auction simulation that simulated the behaviours of thousands of buyers and sellers. To complement this work, Viet also wrote a working paper detailing the methods and results.
Viet collaborated directly with the Deputy Chief Information Officer to propose a new set of revenue models for services provided by UBC IT. To achieve this, Viet worked with technology owners and IT clients to understand their preferences and needs, and then used that information to identify gaps and how to bridge them through a new approach. Ultimately, this greater understanding supported decision making around where and how a revamp of revenue models made sense.
What was Viet’s most memorable accomplishment?
Viet reviewed all of UBC IT’s service offerings and formed a set of recommendations that had the potential to transform how the department operates and charges for its services, allowing Viet to make what he believed could be “long standing impact in the organization.”
Where is Viet now and how did Arts Co-op help him get there?
Viet is currently an Economist for the Brookfield Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, where he researches topics that relate to labor economics, technological change, and the innovation economy. The academic research Viet conducted during his first co-op work term directly benefits what he is currently working on. Learning how to navigate complex systems at UBC as a student and employee helped prepare him to work with all levels of government, from local to provincial and federal.